The 100% organic, fresh dog food created and formulated for Pitbulls, bullies and large breed dogs. Our formula will help build strong bones and muscles, regulate their digestive system, build their immune system, freshen their breath and put a shine to their coat.
Our Promise: Our products are Made in the USA, no by-products, no preservatives, no corn, wheat, soy or GMO Ingredients
Ingredients: Chicken thighs and breasts, chicken livers, brown rice, apples, sweet potatoes, butter beans, eggs, collard greens, coconut and salmon oil, and “viddles” nutrient pack.
NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION: Protein 10.4%, Fat 5%, Fiber 2%, Moister 72%
NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION: All ingredients are processed in the USA in a USDA approved human grade food processing facility. They are non-genetically modified and free from any chemicals and preservatives. All meat is hormone and antibiotic-free.
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